Saturday, October 28, 2006

Delivering the Dream: Pacific Western University Innovative Global Degree Programs

It is well known fact that English is the International Language of Business. The rest of the world is eager to learn the secrets of American Business principals in an attempt to emulate the enormous success of both U.S. and elite foreign companies who are employing U.S. style business strategies. In the rush to acquire this knowledge, many foreign countries are looking for partnerships with innovative U.S. based Universities who can deliver Degree Programs which teach both proven and cutting edge principals and techniques of business and strategic management.

Pacific Western University, a California State Approved institution based in San Diego California is one of the leaders in this Global “Intellectual Gold Rush”. Pacific Western University is currently in the process of pursing Accreditation with two separate National Accrediting Agencies. The accreditation process is very comprehensive and the University hopes to achieve this prestigious recognition by mid-2007.

PWU enters its third year of an Educational Partnership with the Center for Systems Development, a division of Vietnam National University (CSD/VNU) who have campuses in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

As Vietnam’s National University, VNU is the most prestigious University in Vietnam. The innovative PWU – CSD/VNU co-operative program has attracted the best and brightest of Vietnam successful business executives looking to pursue a graduate education while running some of Vietnam’s largest corporations. The cooperative business programs are offered at the graduate level (Executive MBA and PhD).

Because of challenges in the areas of language, academic delivery methods, student expectations, cultural differences and access to technology, few universities have had success at exporting their distance education programs across national barriers.

Distance Learning Combined with Local Delivery and Interaction

The success of the PWU – VNU collaboration is PWU’s ability to deliver an American Degree Program to international students in their local language while handling its delivery and administrative responsibilities in English. Students receive materials through a distance learning methodology, and then augment their study through intense weekend sessions at CSD/VNU.

These weekend sessions allow for valuable student-mentor discussions ranging from clarification of course materials and concepts to case study review and high level brain storming sessions and active group interaction.

The weekend sessions are facilitated by local tutors as well as visiting U.S. professors from PWU. These academically qualified Vietnam based tutors advise students concerning their assignments, provide a first review of academic submissions by each student, and guide classroom discussions. The U.S. professors provide valuable individual student - faculty contact and assure that the courses and degree programs are progressing according to strict academic standards.

According to Dr. Steven Warfield, President of Pacific Western University, “PWU is extremely pleased with the co-operative program. The chemistry of combining PWU’s distance learning methods with the guidance and high powered group dynamics and interaction of the CSD/VNU tutors and students is truly extraordinary. When you bring together so many of Vietnam’s brightest business minds, in this highly charged educational atmosphere, great results can be expected.”

The co-operative program just celebrated its second round of graduation ceremonies in Vietnam with several hundred graduates. On October 22nd the PWU – CSD/VNU program held it’s graduation ceremonies in Ho Chi Minh City. On October 28th and again on the 29th two graduation ceremonies were held in Hanoi, where the ceremonies were attended by the Deputy Consulate of the U.S. Embassy.

Dr. Hung Pham of VNU/CSD said, “We are very satisfied with our educational partnership with PWU. The degree programs are constantly being improved to satisfy the unique needs of our Vietnam students. Our graduates are proud to have the recognition of their accomplishments by representatives of the U.S. Embassy and key U.S. congressional leaders.”

43 of the PWU –VNU/CSD graduates are traveling to San Diego for a U.S. based graduation ceremony on November 16th. This trip is sponsored by many of Vietnam’s top businesses. The goal is to help develop future high level business relationships between the United States and Vietnam. The Vietnam contingent will attended a Gala event sponsored by the World Trade Center of San Diego. San Diego Mayor, Jerry Sanders, is scheduled to give the introductory speech for the event and is scheduled to formally recognize the PWU – VNU/CSD delegation.